Kern Emergency Services - Ready Kern

Georgianna Armstrong, Emergency Service Manager from the Kern County Fire Department Emergency Operations Center (EOC) presented on the Reverse 911 called Ready Kern and the Emergency Plan if the Lake Isabella Dam failed. The following provides a brief overview and links for more info.
Ready Kern - Kern County has implemented ReadyKern, a state-of-the-art emergency notification system to alert residents and businesses about natural disasters and other crises. The new emergency notification system enables Kern County to provide essential information quickly in a variety of situations, such as earthquakes, severe weather, fires, floods, or evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods. Go to this link to register
She also presented the plan in the event the Lake Isabella Dam failed. Walking us through the process she explained the daily inspections. In early 2008, the United States Army Corps of Engineers completed the initial preparation of an updated map which shows the areas around metropolitan Bakersfield which would likely be flooded in the unlikely case that the Dam should fail at Lake Isabella. Click here to learn more and to view maps and learn more about the numerous plans the county is working on to become prepare from evacuation to transporting the medically fragile.