Foundation Director – Dave “Woody” Spalinger would like us to know that the fiscal budget is complete and he encourages us to be “proactive” upon our contribution to the Foundation. Let’s be a 100% percent Foundation Contributor and become an honored award recipient too. Paying forward helps others and our club finances too.
Fundraising – Karen Bonanno said Wine, Place and Show…Wine, Place and Show…Wine, Place and Show…Wine Place and Show...Wine, Place and Show…Wine,…
Secretary- Jeff “Buzz Lightyear” Haynes reports that Rotary International has made definitive changes that have led our club to make bylaw changes that establish Active Member and Full Member categories. He described the “Rule of 85” which is when a member’s combined tenure plus age add up to at least 85. I’ll sum it all up by stating we have 15 members in Breakfast that qualify. Stick around, time flies folks. See Jeff for details.
Membership- Pat Thompson has been a very busy boy lately with all of the new red badges and applications he is having to process, membership UP 26% considering the new members in our “pipeline”! Hey, I tip my hat to you brothers and sisters, keep the new members comin’ and let’s watch Pat work his _____off. Seven new members during Past President Ron “Buford” Nelm’s term, and we have more potential Rotarians to follow. We are going to be back to 70 members shortly…75 even. Bring a friend next week! 
Community Service- Kathy Anderson is having so much fun and we appreciate that she likes pancakes for some reason. Yes, Kathy spoke of the upcoming Pancake Breakfast September 21st.
Club Service- Michelle “we gotta come up with a nickname” McClure reminded us of the All Club evening social coming up at BLVD on September 12th , an upcoming Halloween Show at the Melodrama for us to get together, and a Breakfast Rotary Christmas Party at The Spalingers’ house. Thanks for volunteering Woody!
Vocational- Sandra Parnell, who apparently forgot when she became married last week that her last name changed. O-K. Well, she mentioned the Above and Beyond Award and nominations for that project will be approaching soon. Now let’s get back to this last name thing Sandra.
Youth Services- Bree Goodmon is reporting that 100 students are involved in Interact at Foothill High, “What you are kidding me!” And the involvement of GVHS too! This is so cool. Can you imagine the energy of these Interactors and what’s to come. Let’s support them all, Breakfast Rotarians, and become involved in an Interact project soon.
International Service- Michael O’Doherty provided an overview of past and current projects that collectively Bakersfield clubs are performing worldwide, such as orphanage work in Tijuana and dental pursuits in Guatemala.
Communications/Image- Kay Pitts, she’s my boss. Our Website is If you have not visited lately go check it out. Kay discussed the website with a visual so that we can become comfortable with accessing the site. Impressive boss! I think it was one of the best of the morning, really.   (Note from Kay – well done Frank, you'll find extra pay in your envelope this week)