What you missed
- Mike and Nancy Turnipseed celebrated 46 years of marriage on November 11.
- Dale
and JoAnne Bender beat them by celebrating 47 years on November 16. They shared their happiness by donating $1000 to the Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary Foundation (BBRF) to help with recovery from the 1000 Flags theft. Thank you! Past President Pat Thompson was happy to see Jo
- Denise Haynes celebrated nineteen years in BBRC on November 16. Congratulations!
- $20 and a gift from Fritz’s Restaurant in KC. Jeff Haynes is back from a visit to his daughter and son-in-law in Kansas City. His SIL is stationed at Fort Leavenworth.
- $20 to BBRC and $125 to BBRF and a little bottle of Monk-made coffee cream liqueur from Kay Pitts to celebrate returning from a river cruise on the Rhine.
- Robert Provencio announced the Master Chorale 2024-2025 schedule. More information and tickets are available at www. Bakersfieldmasterchorale.org.
- The remaining concerts this season are:
- December 17, A Master Chorale Christmas
- March 29, 2025, Mozart & Beethoven with the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra
- May 31, 2025, Irish & Americana Concert with Wrenwood Sessions.
Upcoming Events and Rotary Activities
- The 1000 flags trailer and most of the flags are safely home. The rebar stakes are history. Chevron and Rain 4 Rent have offered help to get the program back on track. Past President David Spalinger has offered his business, Skyline Cabinet and Millworks to help cut the replace rebar. Past President Denise Haynes, President Elect Nominee Sandra Parnell, John Guerard, President David Lari and others worked with the Kern County Sheriff’s Office to recover the flags from a homeless encampment.
- November is Foundation Giving Month. You should have received an email with the Foundation Pledge sheet. Please fill this out and return to BBRF President Mindy Wilmot this month!!
- November 14 – Fireside chat on Rotary Basics. A follow-up session with other topics of interest is possible in January. Contact Membership Director John Guerard for more information or to let him know of your interest.
- December 18 – BBRC Christmas party for SEAL Center students (Social, Emotional, Academic Learning) at Rafer Johnson Elementary School. Contact Denise Haynes for more information.
- March 15, 2025 – SAVE THE DATE KernYES (Youth Empowerment Summit) will be held at the Kern High School Career & Technical Education Center (CTEC). Volunteers are needed throughout the day and evening. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve and help change the lives of our youth. (KernYES.org) BBRC Youth Service Director, Willie Gordon can provide more information in the next few months.
- May 23-26, 2025 – Thousand Flags event chair, Denise Haynes noted that all club members are needed over the Memorial Day weekend to help set up, staff, and take down the e
vent. Thousand Flags is our only event fundraiser this year for BBRF.