Family of Rotary
Tom Pasek shared that both he and his sister are polio survivors. Polio eradication has a special place in his heart.
Myrna Arias – Where are you? We wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Happy Spots
Dave Spalinger ret
urned from a vacation. This was an annual get together with the guys. Fifteen of them go to a college football game annually. This year they went to Tennessee for the Alabama vs Vanderbilt game (which was a spectacular game in case you missed it. BIG upset.) Spalinger brought a bottle of Jack Daniels single barrel whiskey. Somehow the gang of 15 managed to drink almost all the whiskey before it got to President Lari. However, Dave and his lovely wife Melody followed the guy bonding trip with a spouse bonding trip to Italy. Melody made sure a full bottle of limoncello made it to Pres. Dave. President David, if you decide that you and Marti don’t like limoncello, I am happy to take it off your hands.
David Spalinger somehow managed to escape a fine after he ratted out President David that he is getting Spalinger- made cabinets for their new home, which they are moving into next week. Does this mean if the cabinet aren’t installed by the time the moving vans show up, Past President Spalinger is getting bonus recognition from you?
Heath Niemeyer – Where are you? President David has a special surprise for you.
Interact Activities
Willie Gordon shared about a service project completed by Del Oro High School Interact Club. This club is Rockin’ it! They put together a pumpkin decorating event for second graders at Crescent Elementary School, located at E. Panama Lane and Cottonwood Rd.
Past President Jackie Maxwell and 28 Interactors worked with the 75 youngsters. The kids were having so much fun they would clean off the pumpkins and redecorate them. The Interact
Advisor from Del Oro, her husband, and their baby attended also.
Club Events
Editor’s Note– BBRC has a very soft spot in our hearts for the Social, Emotional, Academic Learners at Rafer Johnson Elementary School. One of the ways we support the SEAL students is by taking them shopping for shoes. This is a big deal for these kids. Unfortunately, the only Rotarian at last week’s shopping was the event coordinator, Past President Denise Haynes.
October 30 Clothing Drive – this is the last week for St Francis clothes drive. Please bring men’s and women’s warm hats, undergarments, lightly used clothing, socks, and more to the meeting. Greg Desme is leading this effort. Contact him or Char Vega for more information.
November 2, Pancake Breakfast. - Meet at 6:00 am at Dignity Health Learning Center, 631 E. California Ave. Event Chair Erick Bautista is taking sign-ups. Please contact Erick with questions. Last year we gave out 200 meals, he expects to break that number this year. Thanks to BBRC member Scooter Tangeman for providing toothbrushes for the dental kits that will be passed out.
November 2 – Queen Jackie Maxwell is offering her home and yard again for the most amazing Halloween party. Her friend Hope has decorated indoor and outdoor. Past BBRC member Becky Brooks is running the drink tent, always interesting beverages.
Bring hors d’ oeuves or a dessert please. Costumes are encouraged and prizes will be awarded. Dave Spalinger made a point of mentioning that the cabinets in Jackie’s kitchen are from Skyline Cabinets, his business. Sounds like another opportunity to recognize Dave.
December 11 – offsite meeting at Skyline Cabinets, Dave Spalinger’s business. He tantalized us by saying that they have totally redone the shop since we were there during the COVID years.
Please sign up and ATTEND service projects and events.
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